Patrice Géraudie

Publishing house specialized in wine since 1812. In 2001, further to the revival of the reference book “Bordeaux and its wines”, the “Editions Feret” received the Price at the “World Cookbooks Awards” for the best work and the best Publishing House in the world on Wine.

Patrice Géraudie, native of Bordeaux, has often been a precursor within the economic and financial  world .Manager of innovative companies, he knew how to set up  dynamic tools  within  the various economic branches.

 Among these companies, himself fascinated  by the viticultural economy, he acquires the “Editions FERET”, the Publishing House specialised in wine sector as from 1812 and he will  remain  the owner and manager until 2003;

While managing, this publishing house is going to experiment a new expansion in the collection and the deepening of the knowledge of viticultural heritage, as well  on the economic and technical level as on the numerous estates which form this property.

In  relation with the owners of the vineyard of the Bordeaux region , during several years he will prepare and elaborate a tool for valuation of  the viticultural estate and he will  test it  during  many missions. Consequently Patrice Géraudie  created and conceived the model of valuation of  wine estates : VEEP standard

Today, in the scope of his activity of valuation, Patrice Géraudie, through the Consulting firm Odis Viti, surrounded  himself with experts  recommended and skilled in viticultural field associated in this sector with collaborators of the consulting firm  such as chartered accountants, lawyers, solicitors;…

ANACOFI  represents an economic weight : near 5000 companies, 40 000 jobs and ranks between the 2nd  and the 4th of the IFA Federations in Europe and in the 10  main world ones.

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